Free Online Marketing Office Hours

I periodically hold free “office hours” when you can join me on Skype to ask any questions you might have. We can talk about the effectiveness of your copy on your landing page, troubleshoot an underperforming AdWords campaign, brainstorm ways to reach your market via social media, or discuss anything else related to digital marketing that you think I can help with in an hour or less. Learn more about me and what I do. I want to stress that this is time for you to get some help: hiring me for a paid project won’t be discussed unless you bring it up.

Upcoming Office Hours:

November 2, 11:00 am – 12:00pm Eastern Time
December 7, 11:00 am – 12:00pm Eastern Time

Here’s How to Connect with Me:

1. Download Skype if you don’t already use it.
2. Search for my username, swmktg, and send a contact request. I’ll add you the next time I’m on Skype (which is not every day).
3. During my office hours, send me a message. If my icon is green I’ll respond right away. If I’m “away” (orange icon) I’m on a call with someone else and will get to you as soon as I can.
4. You can ask a quick question via text chat, or we can get on a call (voice only).